Week-end sales on BigFishGames

These week-end BigFishGames Affiliate Program offers discounts for games on its English, German and Japanese portals.

1 billion downloads at BigFishGames

BigFishGames.com tops ONE Billion downloads and to celebrate this milestone, Big Fish Games Collection is on SALE for a limited time (Saturday, Sunday and Monday – July 24,25,26). Have your customers choose from our Collections for only $2.99 each!


To  see the PC games available for discount:
affiliates&identifier=YOUR AFCODE  (please remember to plug in your AFCODE).

To  see the Mac games available for discount:
affiliates&identifier=YOUR AFCODE  (please remember to plug in your AFCODE).

Or you can target the individual games and add your AFCODE.

BigFishGames sale

All regular price games are 40% off on BigFishGames.jp portal for Summer Customer Appreciation.

The following coupon code will officially be valid from July 23 at 12AM to July 27 at 11:59PM (JP Time).


This can be used by entering it in the “Have a Coupon Code?” box in the Shopping Cart.

BFG Affiliate Program provides its affiliates with ads in different sizes to advertise this promotion on your website, social media site, and newsletters.
We recommend that you link the graphics to BigFishGames.jp. Please insert your afcode at the end to track your referrals:
http://www.bigfishgames.jp/?channel=affiliates&identifier=YOUR AFCODE

Graphic materials can be found at affiliate program’s news feed.

BigFishGames German Sale

Take 40% off any 7.99 € game on BigFishGames.de portal to celebrate Summer Festival

The following coupon code will officially be valid from July 21st to July 25th


This can be used by entering it in the “Have a Coupon Code?” box in the Shopping Cart.

BFGAP offers ads in different sizes to advertise this promotion on your website, social media site, and newsletters.

We recommend that you link the graphics to BigFishGames.de . Please insert your afcode at the end to track your referrals:
http://www.bigfishgames.com/de?channel=affiliates&identifier=YOUR AFCODE

Inform your users about these discounts, get more customers and earn more commissions!

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